Saturday, August 1, 2009


After the surprise party, John Engel was ravenous, so Elijah, he and I went down to the Asana Tea Room that has great organic cuisine. We were told that chef Chris had just closed down the
kitchen. Then Chris appears. He says: "Hi Daniel, How is Shivani?" I say "She's on a visionquest in the Southwest,( ) and today she sang on my voicemail a three-minute Hindu birthday song."

Elijah says "Its my Dad's birthday, is there anything left in the kitchen that we could eat ?" Chris says; "OK! I'm opening up the kitchen again. You can have anything you like. Give Shivani my greetings!" So we had the most fabulou
s toasted Panninis stuffed with deliciousness, while it so happens that Madou Diabate, King of the Kora, ( renowned for over a thousand concerts around the world, is playing fierce and gentle and dazzling and dancing music with another gifted Kora player, for us this evening...
So, tell me, who are the exalted beings overseeing the woof of this intricate tapestry, while we blithely bungle the weft...?

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